Ending Domestic Violence
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Together, We Can Stop Domestic Violence! Here are a few ways that you can get involved.

Over the past few years we have made a lot of progress on domestic violence issues with much time and effort being invested into awareness and education That is very encouraging, however one major road block remains, it is probably the largest factor in domestic violence continuing. Society in general still tolerates domestic violence, too many people still view it as socially acceptable.

We even see this in the judicial system. There are still some judges left that will not see domestic violence crimes as the serious crime that it is, some even refusing basic training and information on domestic violence issues. Society needs to find out 'who these judges are and find better candidates to elect. We need judges that will treat this a serious crime!

We see this when people hear domestic violence disputes in progress and do things such as turn up the TV, ignore it pretend it is not happening and choose to excuse it as "family business".

We need to keep the word out there that this is not an acceptable behavior in our neighborhoods. If you have a neighborhood watch group and would like information to present to other on your block, please let us know!

Remember, NEVER assume that someone else has reported a disturbance in progress, call 911 and report it!

Write your Governor, your local state representatives and senators. Write your local law enforcement, judges and District Attorneys office and ask that they toughen up on domestic violence crimes. Let them know that as a citizen, you support them in taking this issue serious.

If you have a local law enforcement agency, a District attorney or a judge that you know of who really treats domestic violence as being serious, take the time to recognize their efforts and let them know that you appreciate what they are doing!
Be aware of needed domestic violence bills that are being reviewed by the legislature and be ready to have a supportive voice in them!

Don't be shy about writing letters to the editor when you have the opportunity to make a difference by sharing your opinion on the seriousness of domestic violence..

Be prepared with DOMESTIC VIOLENCE INFORMATION and HOW TO HELP A VICTIM. Know what shelters and local resources are available. To locate the nearest shelter call the 24 hour 1-800-799-7233

Surf your local news sources (TV, News papers) and forward all stories reporting domestic violence issues, injuries and fatalities to our NEWS DESK.

Contact your local shelter or victims assistance program to ask about volunteer opportunities.


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