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Put your letters to work!.... Help stop domestic violence tolerance!

Attention letter writers! You can help stop domestic violence by simply putting your thoughts onto paper!

When a new article is posted that we feel may be of interest we will send out e-mail alert inviting letter writers from all over the nation to check the topic on the page. If you feel strongly about an issue or simply want to share your thoughts or suggestions, put them to work!

'If you are interested in being added to our e-mail alert list, simply send (via e-mail) your name, mailing address, and phone number. Please remember to include your city and state, e-mail address and a brief explanation of why you'd like to become a letter writer. We can not consider adding your name to our alert list without this complete information.
Don't forget to forward us with local domestic violence news stories from your neighborhood via e-mail

Domestic violence is a crime against our nation, it is time that we, as a nation voice our opinions and help stop domestic violence tolerance!


1. Be constructive!

2. Be polite and respectful!

3. Be assertive and not aggressive or abusive in nature!

4. Always include your name, address and phone number in letters that you send. Otherwise there is a strong chance that your letter content will not be considered.


Enter your ZIP code to contact your legislators.