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'Project NO More!'....Home of the 'attitude'.............. the 'Zero Tolerance Attitude' for domestic violence.... Tag!...You're it!....Pass it on!

Project NO More'
Taking the nonsense out of a no-nonsense issue!

'Project NO More!!'...........
Striving for zero tolerance attitudes towards domestic violence.

NO More!
.......NO More!
..............NO More!
....................NO More!
............................NO More!
NO More Excuses Are Acceptable!

NO More.... Excuses!

NO More.... Tolerance for domestic violence!

NO More.... Minimal sentencing for domestic violence crimes!

NO More.... Minimal sentencing for domestic violence homicides!

NO More.... Restraining order violations going un-punished!

NO More.... Restraining order violations going minimally punished!

NO More.... Denying restraining orders to victims living in fear!

NO More.... Plea bargains on domestic violence crimes!

NO More.... Dismissing charges of a domestic violent nature!

NO More.... Slap on the hands for offenders!

NO More.... Non-educated domestic violence prosecutors and judges!

NO More.... Excuses for lack of time or overloaded caseloads! Find time!

NO More.... Excuses for lack of funding! Find funding!

NO More.... Ridiculous attitudes to domestic violence as being family business!

NO More.... Witnesses to domestic violence not calling for help!

NO More.... Neighbors turning up the TV and tuning out screams for help!

NO More.... Passive injustices to victims!

NO More.... Tolerating any excuses!


Domestic violence is hard crime!.... Now it's time for hard time!


The 'Zero Tolerance Proclamation' is a tool to give people the opportunity to make a statement against domestic violence that will be heard worldwide, Via the internet.

When a person signs their name to the 'Zero Tolerance Proclamation' they are serious, they mean business. They want domestic violence to stop!

The lists of individuals names along with the names of city and political leaders will be forwarded to the President of The United States and to congress each and every year by 'Project NO More! This will be to remind them of our growing concern for victims and to encourage them to focus on ending domestic violence.

Please, take the time and sign the 'Zero Tolerance Proclamation' against domestic violence! Let your voice on the issue be heard world wide!

To see who has signed the 'Zero Tolerance Proclamation' against domestic violence click here: INDIVIDUALS / POLITICAL AND STATE LEADERS AGAINST DOMESTIC VIOLENCE

It's official! We are up and running! Our launch date: February 19th, 2002

Oregon State Representative Patti Smith will be mailing a letter out to all Oregon State Reps and Senators asking them to get behind this project and push the 'zero tolerance attitude' towards domestic violence forward!

On February 18th, 2002, Mayor Robert Austin, e-mailed out a letter to about 100 mayors in other Oregon Cities. He asked them all to consider signing our "Zero Tolerance Proclamation' against domestic violence! We will post each city's name on our web site as soon as they send us signed copy via e-mail!

March 15th Update

By the time that 'Project No More' was one week old our web site had international hits including our first international signature on the Zero Tolerance Proclamation! Two of the international hits had been translated into other languages! A very special 'Thank You' to everyone that is making this work!


Information on 'Project NO More!'

Project NO More!!' is a grassroots project founded by a survivor of Domestic Violence!

Our mission is to ripple waves of 'zero tolerance attitude' across the nation, helping to eliminate excuses in society and judicial systems, making awareness and education a priority. It is our goal to offer assistance to families of seriously and fatally injured victims and to be involved in needed legislative reform. We will make 'reward money' available for the capture of criminals being sought by the law for domestic violence crimes. (Depending on fund availability and each case meeting specific criteria)

'Project NO More!' salutes the Lifetime's campaign to end domestic violence!: Hats off to Lifetime TV! Thank You for making this issue a priority!

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No more Excuses! Do your part! STOP Domestic Violence! No more Excuses! Do your part! STOP Domestic Violence!