Sign the Proclamation Against Domestic Violence!
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To see who has signed the 'Zero Tolerance Proclamation' against domestic violence click here: INDIVIDUALS / POLITICAL AND STATE LEADERS AGAINST DOMESTIC VIOLENCE

To have your name added to the list, sign the proclamation below and hit send. Check back within 24 - 48 hours to see your name!

The 'Zero Tolerance Proclamation' is a tool to give people the opportunity to make a statement against domestic violence that will be heard worldwide, via the internet.

When a person signs their name to the 'Zero Tolerance Proclamation' they are serious, they mean business. They want domestic violence to stop!

The lists of individuals names along with the names of city and political leaders will be forwarded to the President of The United States and to congress each and every year by 'Project NO More' This will be to remind them of our growing concern for victims and to encourage them to focus on ending domestic violence.

Please, take the time and sign the 'Zero Tolerance Proclamation' against domestic violence! Let your voice on the issue be heard world wide!

If you are an individual that is against domestic violence, please help us by signing the 'zero tolerance proclamation' form below!


WHEREAS, domestic violence should NEVER be considered nor treated as a socially acceptable behavior. Domestic violence is not family business it is a crime. There is NO excuse for abuse; and

WHEREAS, the FBI estimates that one women is battered by her intimate partner every 15 seconds, this accounts for more injuries to women than auto accidents, muggings and rapes combined. An average of at least four women are murdered by domestic violence each and every day in the United States; and

WHEREAS, the chance that an abuser will try to kill his/her partner increases drastically when the victim tries to leave: and

WHEREAS, the children living in physically abusive households statistically show that 3 out of 5 saw or heard the abuse . Children in homes where domestic violence is occurring are 1500% more likely to be physically abused or seriously neglected; and

WHEREAS, the children who witness abuse of their female caretaker are: 24 times more likely to commit sexual assault crimes, 74% more likely to commit crimes against another person, 6 times more likely to commit suicide; and

WHEREAS, as a citizen, I personally make the commitment to have a 'Zero Tolerance attitude for domestic violence' thus sending the message that all citizens have the basic human right to live violence free. I refuse to passively allow a domestic disturbance in progress to go unreported to 911; and

WHEREAS, I believe that the personal safety of all people should become a top priority and concern for city and state leadership, the general public, pastors, policy makers and the public servants; and

WHEREAS, I choose to be in full support in making this a 'Zero Tolerance Community'. I will be in full support of those who are working towards the end of domestic violence. Giving needed priority in domestic violence awareness, education and intervention programs in our community; and

WHEREAS, by signing below, I make the official commitment as a private citizen to maintain a zero tolerance and attitude for domestic violence.

To sign the 'Zero Tolerance Proclamation' against domestic violence, Please click the 'SIGN' button below, when your email page opens, type in your name, city and state. Then send your email! ...It is that simple!



Below is a 'Zero Tolerance' proclamation for city and state leadership to sign. To obtian a copy of this proclamation, please click below to E-mail us with your request.


WHEREAS, domestic violence should NEVER be considered nor treated as a socially acceptable behavior. Domestic violence is not family business, it is a crime. There is NO excuse for abuse; and

WHEREAS, the FBI estimates that one women is battered by her intimate partner every 15 seconds, this accounts for more injuries to women than auto accidents, muggings and rapes combined. Four women are murdered by domestic violence each and every day in the United States; and

WHEREAS, the chance that an abuser will try to kill his/her partner increases 11 times when the victim tries to leave: and

WHEREAS, the children living in physically abusive households statistically show that 3 out of 5 saw or heard the abuse (123,400 children) Children in homes where domestic violence is occurring are 1500% more likely to be physically abused or seriously neglected; and

WHEREAS, the children who witness abuse of their female caretaker are: 24 times more likely to commit sexual assault crimes, 74% more likely to commit crimes against another person, 6 times more likely to commit suicide; and

WHEREAS, as a citizen, I personally make the commitment to have a 'Zero Tolerance' attitude for domestic violence' thus sending the message that all citizens have the basic human right to live violence free; and

WHEREAS, I believe that the personal safety of all people should become a top priority and concern for city and state leadership, the general public, pastors, policy makers and the public servants; and

WHEREAS, I choose to be in full support in making this a 'Zero Tolerance Community'. I will be in full support of those who are working towards the end of domestic violence. Giving needed priority in domestic violence awareness, education and intervention programs in our community;

NOW, Therefore I, ____________________________, Mayor of the City of ____________________,
in the state of__________________________,do hereby urge all citizens to adopt a 'Zero Tolerance'
towards domestic violence.

____________________________________________________ __________Date______

Mayor's signature

After your local mayor has returned the signed 'Zero Tolerance Proclamation' 'Project NO More!' will send a press release to your local media to announce that he/she has declared your city as having a 'Zero Tolerance' attitude for domestic violence.