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Read stories submitted by friends and family of victims that were murdered by domestic violence

Janice Marie Jones, 33, Mother of two daughters was a hard working single mother who had decided to end her relationship with a man she had been dating who was physically and mentally abusive. He on the other hand, did not want the relationship to end.

He stalked her, and when he would find her alone he would assault her. He even went as far as orally raping her with her daughters in the next room. Police, at the time, persuaded her to not press charges since he was an ex-boyfriend.This was in 1984. A time when date rape was not even considered.

The last year of her life she had formed a new relationship with a caring man, but could not escape the abuse of the former boyfriend.

After repeated beatings,and police reports, he finally ended her life. He waited outside her brother's home where she was visiting and waited for her to leave.

Upon exiting the residence with her daughters ages 11 &13, he hit her with such force her body landed in the street where she struck her head on the asphalt. He repeatedly kicked her while she was unconscious.

By the time help arrived and she was admitted into the hospital it was concluded that she was brain dead. Her life support was terminated two days later.

John Donald Clark was convicted of Involuntary Manslaughter and served 16 months in jail. Janice's family will never understand why her life was only worth 16 months....he is now free and my family will always grieve their tragic loss

my url is: http://www.members.tripod.com/sierramemories